Many of the List Views in doogiePIM can be printed. The output and format is not exactly the same as the list, but rather a plain text form. This enables you to quickly print a list.
This is ideal in situations when you want to preserve a result of a search, a filtered list of tasks or a contacts list.
Before printing, resize the columns and the position to the desired size.
Before printing, it is a good idea to setup some basic properties of your printer.
See Setting Up Printer Options for more information
To Print a List View
Choose from the main menu "File/Print/List of ...", or
Click on the icon in toolbar above the List View,
(some toolbars have a further menu)
Make your final changes by selecting the printer, properties and other options, then click on OK to begin printing.
If you need more control over layout and filters, then you should consider using the Reports section as this will give you greater flexibility for reporting.
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